PBI’s latest International Annual Review launched!

An overview of our work and impact supporting human rights defenders at risk around the world

Today, Peace Brigades International (PBI) proudly releases its 2023 International Annual Review. This report stands as a testament to PBI's unwavering commitment to protect the courageous individuals who protect and defend human rights and fundamental freedoms across the globe.

In the past year, PBI has noticeably ramped up its support in various regions including Latin America, Kenya, Nepal, and Indonesia. Through holistic protective accompaniment, PBI has made a tremendous difference in the lives of more than 3,400 at-risk human rights defenders, 68 organisations, and 950 communities worldwide. This encompasses a broad range of support – from physical accompaniment to capacity development, security training, conflict analysis, awareness raising, advocacy, and independent observation.

The diversity of PBI’s staff and volunteers continues to expand, now representing over 30 nationalities from across six continents. On average, PBI's offices have had the privilege of hosting delegations from five human rights defenders each month. Of the human rights defenders supported by PBI, 81% identify as either female or Indigenous, representative of PBI's steadfast commitment to promoting gender equality and Indigenous peoples’ rights as part of a larger dedication to universal human rights.

Via our support to human rights defenders, PBI engaged with over 150,000 individuals in 2023 - a number that continues to grow. We are excited to share more about the work of those tho we support, and their impact, as we move forwards. You can sign up to our newsletter here.

In 2023, PBI celebrated two significant milestones for human rights: the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the 25th anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. Despite the international recognition and commitment to human rights, defenders continue to face intimidation, threats, and attacks.

In response to these challenges, PBI focused its efforts on supporting defenders who are confronting violent opposition from corporations, criminal networks, and other entities exploiting territories and natural resources. Advocacy tours were facilitated for Mexican Indigenous leader Mariana Villarreal and Honduran defender Christopher Castillo, providing them the opportunity to bring global attention to the threats of illegal logging against their communities.

Another major area of PBI’s work in 2023 involved seeking justice and an end to impunity. We provided protective accompaniment to over 1,000 defenders combating corruption, enforced disappearances, and human rights violations. A significant achievement was PBI's contribution to the passage of a landmark law in Colombia, Bill 242, which protects the families of forcibly disappeared victims, particularly supporting women human rights defenders leading these searches.

Throughout the year, PBI utilised its international networks to connect grassroots human rights defenders with powerful advocacy opportunities. This included facilitating impactful advocacy tours for Indigenous land defenders from Guatemala and environmental journalists from Indonesia, enabling them to meet policymakers in Europe and North America. Additionally, an independent delegation of international lawyers produced an influential fact-finding report on Indigenous people’s rights in Guatemala, contributing further to the advocacy efforts of both PBI and the Indigenous communities we support.

Moving forward, PBI remains committed to amplifying defenders' voices, providing emergency support, and pushing for systemic reforms to ensure the work of human rights defenders can continue safely.

PBI in the UK hosts a panel discussion with Indigenous leaders Lesbia Artola and Sandra Calel

PBI’s UK office supported this international work in a range of ways, including:

  • Facilitating a high-level independent legal delegation to Guatemala for urgent action to protect Indigenous people impacted by violent forced displacements.

  • Supporting Honduran LGBTIQ+ collective Arcoíris, to continue advocating for trans rights amid escalating violence since the 2009 coup.

  • Hosting an event featuring Indigenous leaders Lesbia Artola Teyul and Sandra Calel Cahuec, fighting for the protection of the land and livelihoods of the Indigenous Maya Q’eqchi’.

  • Addressing the increasing criminalisation of human rights defenders globally by preparing legal empowerment initiatives to support and connect human rights defenders with high-level human rights lawyers worldwide. 

  • Advancing policy advocacy campaigns together with UK NGOs and grassroots activists locally, leading to governmental commitments on human rights defender protection and business and human rights.

You can read more about our UK activities in the annual report of PBI’s UK office here.

Sign up to PBI UK’s newsletter to get updates updates on how you can support PBI's efforts empowering human rights defenders worldwide!


Celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples at PBI UK


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