
Our work would not be possible without the support of our volunteers.

Whether working in as part of our UK team, or taking the plunge and volunteering abroad, we are incredibly grateful to have such a dedicated team of people eager to give their time in support of human rights.

Scroll down for current volunteer opportunities, including in our Front Line Teams.

Become a field volunteer

Teams of PBI volunteers provide life-saving support to human rights defenders and organisations whose lives and work are threatened by violence.

Volunteers are a powerful symbol of international human rights concern, protecting those working for nonviolent social change and the pursuit of justice around the world.

Current Volunteer


Field projects carry out the recruitment of volunteers 1-2 times a year. If the application processes are not currently open keep an eye on the linked pages below for updates:

PBI Colombia - Call for applications open. Full information here. Deadline for applications April 6 2025.

PBI Guatemala - Call for applications currently closed.

PBI Honduras - Call for applications currently closed.

PBI Mexico - Call for applications currently closed.

Please note that PBI projects in Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal and Nicaragua are run by in-country staff and do not currently recruit field volunteers. If you are considering submitting an application but would like to speak to someone first, please contact Mark at admin@peacebrigades.org.uk.

Learn more about what it means to be a field volunteer in one of PBI’s Front Line Teams in this short video:

Preparation process

Each volunteer goes through a training period to fully prepare them for the challenges of working with a PBI field project. If you are interested in volunteering, you must meet the language requirements of the project you're interested in. If you are living in the UK, the UK office should be your first point of contact for information and support throughout the application process.

Please note that, due to security considerations, it is a PBI policy that no nationals are eligible to apply for in-country positions in their own countries. Successful candidates are expected to serve a minimum of twelve months as a field volunteer.

Orientation weekends

Please note: UK orientation weekends are currently on hold.

A PBI UK orientation weekend provides a useful general introduction to the principles, aims and policies of Peace Brigades International. It is designed to be an informative and enjoyable weekend for anyone wanting to learn more about the work of PBI and international accompaniment. The weekends are led by returned field volunteers and take the form of intensive residential training over 2-3 days. The sessions deal with the principles of non-violence and non-partisanship, and the trainers explain their practical application to the specific countries where they have served with PBI.

There are two to three orientation weekends held each year, usually in spring, late summer and autumn. Contact the office at the address below if you are interested.

Topics covered over the weekend include:

• PBI's mandate, structure and projects
• Political analysis, consensus decision making
• Principles of non-violence, non-partisanship and non-interference
• Mechanisms of international accompaniment

These issues are explored through discussions, informative presentations, role-plays, team exercises, workshops and games.

If you are considering applying to volunteer on a PBI project or would just like to find out more about international accompaniment, the orientation weekend is a great way to learn about PBI within a PBI field team atmosphere. Attending this weekend does not mean that you have to make a commitment to the organisation, nor to joining a team.

"I found [the orientation weekend] stimulating, fascinating and really enjoyable. I found the philosophy and practice of PBI particularly heartening because it also underpins the work I do in conflict resolution and mediation. I was very impressed with the range of skills and qualities volunteers have and the highly skilled work they do in difficult circumstances."   (Liz Lawrence, former OW participant)

The weekend also gives time for self-evaluation; time to assess your personal abilities and suitability as a prospective volunteer. On the last day there will be an opportunity to undertake a more formal (but friendly) self-assessment in conjunction with the trainers.

Application and Training

Each field project runs its own recruitment and training processes. Please see the links at the top of this page to apply directly to the projects. Once your application has been accepted and you have had an interview with the training team, the next stage for joining a project as a field volunteer is participating in a regional training. Each project holds between one and three trainings each year in Europe, America and the Asia/Pacific region.

In the 7-10 day training, potential volunteers will look at the history and current political situation in the project country, the causes of the conflict and PBI's role in that situation. Participants will explore concrete situations that a field volunteer may encounter. At the end of the training, a decision is made on whether candidates are ready to join the project.

Criteria for field volunteers

Specific requirements vary between projects, but this is a general guide:

  • A thorough understanding of and commitment to PBI's principles.

  • Language skills - fluent Spanish is essential for working in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and Colombia. The Kenya, Nepal and Indonesia teams use English.

  • Cultural sensitivity - experience of working with people of different cultures.

  • Discretion and diplomacy.

  • Maturity - there is no age limit for volunteering on a PBI project but most volunteers are aged 23 or over.

  • The ability to analyse political situations.

  • Resilience - the ability to work effectively under pressure and stress.

  • Experience of living and working in groups - familiarity with consensus decision-making and teamwork.

  • Knowledge and understanding of the history, politics and culture of the country where you are working.

  • The ability to deal confidently with a range of people including representatives of NGOs, government bodies and embassies.

  • The ability to learn quickly, analyse situations and rapidly assess their significance.

  • Flexbility - the ability to change tactics, work and opinions.

  • A willingness to carry out basic administrative and housekeeping tasks.

  • Practical skills - IT, bookkeeping, writing, photography, cooking, and many other skills are useful


Frequently Asked Questions

What work do PBI field volunteers do?

PBI volunteers accompany at-risk activists, standing shoulder to shoulder with them in a display of solidarity that deters violent attacks. The aim of each PBI team is to encourage, by means of an international, nonviolent, non-partisan presence, a peaceful resolution of conflicts and the strengthening of local civil society. To do this, PBI teams:

  • Offer support and protective accompaniment to human rights defenders, groups or individuals threatened with violence;

  • Develop a thorough analysis of the political situation by listening to the widest possible range of viewpoints and experiences;

  • Report to the outside world a non-partisan analysis of the situation as seen on the ground;

  • Encourage actions to reduce the level of violence;

  • Meet regularly with local and national civil and military authorities and embassies to raise concerns regarding human rights abuses that affect the organisations we accompany.

PBI is not a development organisation. We believe that communities need space to carry out their own development in ways that create self reliance rather than dependency. We refer requests for development projects to other organisations set up for such work.

How does protective accompaniment work?

PBI offers provides “global accompaniment” to human rights defenders, which combines three mutually-reinforcing mechanisms:

  • Physical accompaniment: PBI volunteers provide a visible international presence alongside threatened human rights defenders that deters violent attacks.

  • Political accompaniment: PBI develops and maintains a support network made up of decision makers and influential individuals and groups, who are kept informed of our concerns, and who are prepared to act in case of a crisis to exert immediate international pressure to stop human rights violations. As part of this effort, PBI volunteers hold regular meetings with authorities from local to national level, keeping them informed about our activities and concerns.

  • Informational accompaniment: PBI volunteers are involved in the production and distribution of regular publications and reports, bringing the voices and experiences of threatened human rights defenders to an international audience.

In these ways, global accompaniment raises the profile of accompanied organisations, raises awareness of human rights issues in the project countries, and demonstrates to potential attackers the concern and attention of the international community. This deters attacks, as human rights abusers are less likely to commit the abuse under the glare of an international spotlight.

More detailed information can be found in the section What is protective accompaniment?

Is it dangerous?

Given the nature of PBI's work there are clearly some personal risks involved in working on a PBI team. Team members frequently accompany people targeted with all kinds of physical harm. Before applying, each potential volunteer needs to consider whether for them it is worth taking these risks.

In 30 years of accompaniment, there have been two serious incidents both of which occurred more than 20 years ago. In August 1989, a hand grenade was thrown into the PBI house in Guatemala (nobody was hurt), and three months later, three volunteers were stabbed on their way home from the bus stop, though fortunately suffered no permanent harm. However, these kinds of incidents have been very rare.

Ensuring the safety of our own volunteers is essential to maximising the protection we can offer to the organisations and communities we accompany. When undertaking any accompaniment, particularly those that are potentially risky, PBI teams undertake a thorough analysis of the local political situation and inform the police, the local authorities and the army (where relevant) that PBI volunteers will be in the area. This high level of visibility signals to the authorities that they will be held accountable for anything that should happen to the volunteers or those they are accompanying. The embassies of the countries the volunteers come from are also informed as a preventive measure. Volunteers are provided with mobile phones (or satellite phones if they are travelling to remote areas) so they can communicate instantly with their teams and support offices. The teams in the field are backed up by an international support network which protects not only the organisations we accompany but also our own volunteers.

What does PBI's principle of non-partisanship mean?

Non-partisanship is a fundamental principle of PBI for both philosophical and practical reasons.

We believe it is inappropriate for us as outsiders to influence the decisions of the organisations we accompany. Our mandate is to provide the protection that will enable them to solve their problems nonviolently in their own way.

In order to analyse a conflict it is important to keep ourselves open to all parties. If we are perceived to be aligned with any one political faction or ideology, an organisation that may need our services might be wary of making contact with us. A non-partisan stance adds to both our objectivity and accessibility.

Our non-partisanship gives us access to a broad spectrum of political support which strengthens our ability to provide protection and promote nonviolent means of resolving conflicts.

Non-partisanship gives some degree of standing with local authorities and the diplomatic community which in turn strengthens our political influence and therefore strengthens the protection we provide.

When PBI teams are working with those whose lives and work are threatened by violence, accepting and working within the discipline of non-partisanship can be politically and emotionally very difficult. In practical terms it means:

  • PBI does not provide funding for any of the organisations we accompany.

  • PBI teams do not accept payment for services.

  • PBI volunteers do not give or solicit material aid for local organisations or individuals during their term of service or immediately afterwards when they are still likely to be viewed as members of PBI.

  • PBI volunteers do not participate in any way in the activities of local organisations during their term of service. Although we often provide human rights observation at events such as rallies and demonstrations we do not take part in them.

Who decides who we accompany?

In line with PBI's principle of non-partisanship, PBI projects only begin a new accompaniment after first receiving a request from the threatened individual or organisation. The decision to accept or not is made by the whole project, after a thorough evaluation of the situation.

What qualifications and experience does PBI look for in volunteers?

PBI volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds. The following qualities, experience and skills are examples of the criteria used for screening potential volunteers. Some are essential and others desirable - check with the project you are applying to for their list of criteria:

  • Nonviolence - a clear understanding of and commitment to nonviolence. Experience of working with nonviolence in your own community is a prerequisite for applying nonviolence to other parts of the world

  • Language skills - fluent Spanish is essential for working in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia. The Kenya project uses English.

  • Discretion and diplomacy

  • Maturity – the recommended minimum age for volunteers is 25

  • Resilience - the ability to work effectively under pressure and stress

  • Knowledge and understanding of the history, politics and culture of the country where you are working

  • Cultural sensitivity - the ability to work with people of different cultures

  • Flexibility - the ability to change tactics, work and opinions

  • Experience of working in groups - familiarity with consensus decision-making and teamwork

  • Experience of work within human rights, social justice or peace organisations

  • Practical skills - IT, bookkeeping, writing, library skills, photography, cooking, and many others have been useful on PBI teams

What are the language requirements?

For the Latin American projects you must be fluent in Spanish before applying to the projects. For Kenya, you must be fluent in English.

Is there a minimum or maximum age for volunteers?

The recommended minimum age for field volunteers is 25. There is no age limit. Volunteers do need to be in good physical condition to be able to cope with a demanding schedule, long hours and regular travel.

What does PBI offer volunteers?

A profound experience of working with an international peace and human rights organisation committed to transforming ideals into practical action

  • Specialist training based on 35 years' experience working in the field

  • The experience of living and working in a close-knit team of volunteers

  • A unique first-hand insight into the intense pressures faced by human rights defenders, and their resilience and courage

What costs are covered?

All projects cover the following costs: travel to country of work, accommodation, food, internal travel, insurance, repatriation and a stipend to cover additional costs. See project pages for specific information on the costs each of them covers.

What level of responsibility do volunteers have?

PBI field volunteers work to a professional standard, including representing PBI at meetings and forums and contributing to the day-to-day management of the project. PBI works according to a horizontal organisational model, and major decisions are made by consensus. Within the team, each volunteer's level of responsibility increases over the course of their placement, as they become more experienced and begin to take part in the supervision and training of volunteers arriving after them.

How long does the volunteer placement last?

Volunteers are required to commit for a minimum of 12 months.

Can I do a short-term placement?

No, short-terms placements are not possible with PBI.

How do I apply?

If you live in the UK, please contact us at admin@peacebrigades.org.uk for further details.

If you live in one of the following countries you should contact the national country group: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, USA. Many of the country groups also run orientation sessions.

If there is no country group in the country where you live, you should directly contact the project that you would like to join.

Where will the project training take place?

Project training is held several times a year in Europe, North America and the Asia–Pacific region. The Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico Project use Spanish and the Nepal and Kenya Project use English. Please regularly check the project websites for up to date information about coming training.

What does the training process consist of?

After sending the application form and supplying references to the office of the project you wish to join you will then do a pre-screening interview (usually by phone).

The next stage in the process is to attend a 7-10 day training course. This training is held several times a year in Europe, North America and the Asia–Pacific region.

These training sessions cover the following topics within the context of the project countries: PBI’s principles, mandate, structure and decision-making processes, nonviolence and non-partisanship, political analysis, cultural sensitivity, group process and dealing with fear, stress and emergency situations.

The training will help you and the project decide if you are adequately prepared for the experience. Each applicant will have an interview with members of the training team to discuss questions or concerns. Some projects will let you know their recommendation on the last day of the training and others communicate this to you at a later date.

In addition to this residential training, you will also be expected to undertake a period of distance learning to prepare yourself to join a team.

Your preparation will continue with an in-country orientation when you first join a team.

How soon can I join a project?

Project offices are responsible for scheduling when volunteers join their teams. They will try to make sure that you join at a time that is convenient for you, but they also need to take into account the needs of the team. This includes maintaining a balance of nationality, gender, age and skills. Because of this it can take anywhere between one month and one year between completing your training and joining the team.

Can I choose which project/team I am sent to?

You will submit your application to the specific project you wish to join. Once selected, you may be able to indicate which regional sub-team (where relevant) you would prefer to join, but please be aware that it is not always possible for volunteers to join their first choice of sub-team.

Where do PBI volunteers come from?

In recent years, volunteers have come from over 25 countries including Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and the UK

Can I work with a PBI team in my own country?

No. For reasons of non-partisanship and security volunteers cannot join PBI teams in their own countries. However, if you come from one of our project countries, we strongly encourage you to apply to volunteer with one of the other PBI projects.

The first reason for this ‘own country rule’ is that PBI teams need to maintain a distance from the organisations they accompany so that local pressures don’t influence their work. The second reason is security. In order to provide effective protection for the organisations we work with we need to maximise the security of our own volunteers.

Where can I get more information?

You can find more details about the specific policies and requirements of the individual projects, as well as their contact details, on their webpages. Find them here.

Field volunteer experiences

Field volunteers with Peace Brigades International come from many different countries and backgrounds. What they share is a strong commitment to nonviolence and a belief in the power of ordinary people to create a more peaceful and just world.

If you are interested in volunteering overseas with PBI, the stories from former field volunteers from the UK give you a chance to find out about volunteering from the people who've been in the same position as you.

Read their personal insights into what its like to train with PBI, to work alongside human rights defenders, and to live and work with others from different countries and backgrounds.

Camila Marin

Mexico 2019-2020

Mexico 2019-2020

I joined an all-female team, which was an empowering experience in itself, and was surrounded by incredible female human rights defenders. For me, my time with PBI was about utilising my privilege as a foreigner to facilitate human rights defenders in Chihuahua and Coahuila to continue their work with less risk."

Emily Spence

Guatemala 2018-2019

Guatemala 2018-2019

"It's easy to assume when you see things deteriorating that the defense of human rights is having no impact. But what we don't see is what the country would look like if human rights defenders weren't able to do that work."

Hannah Stoate

Kenya 2018-2019

Kenya 2018-2019

"One of the benefits of the way PBI selects volunteers is that I have met lots of new people along the way from all over the world who share similar values and who I am still in touch with now. It also gives you the opportunity to consider whether or not both living and working with a small team of people is something that feels right for you."

Cat Rainsford

Guatemala 2016-2017

Guatemala 2016-2017

“Their [HRDs] bravery and determination were inspirations throughout my year but it was their humanity – the stories, jokes and peculiarities of each defender I got to know – that will remain with me most and convinced me that perhaps the most important aspect of PBI's presence is simply solidarity.”

Hannah Matthews

Colombia 2015-2016

Colombia 2015-2016

“I feel hugely privileged to have had the opportunity to work alongside the Colombian human rights defenders who are at the forefront of demanding change in their country. Their voices are important reminders of the bravery needed to confront injustice and to fight for improvements.”

Toby Penrhys Evans

Kenya 2015-2017

Kenya 2015-2017

"I always had a deep interest in citizen empowerment and democracy [...]. Having heard about PBI’s work in Latin America I jumped at the opportunity to apply when I saw a position available in Kenya."

Adam Lunn

Guatemala 2014-2015

Guatemala 2014-2015

“Despite the country’s grave human rights situation during 2014, spending a year with PBI Guatemala allowed me to get to know some incredible human rights defenders, hear their stories and observe them carry out their incredibly valuable work. The contact with the human rights defenders is a great privilege and it was inspirational to meet these normal yet extraordinary people who continue to carry out their work despite the violence they face.”

Tom Short

Kenya 2014-2015

Kenya 2014-2015

"As a field volunteer in Kenya, I have been privileged to stand side by side with Kenyan human rights defenders who work relentlessly in their struggle for justice – despite death threats, surveillance, attacks, and even, in extreme cases, the assassination of their colleagues."

Gwen Burnyeat

Colombia 2011-2012

Colombia 2011-2012

"It is moments like this, and the direct contact with the people that working in the field gives you, that makes the hard work of the ‘brigadista’, the hours on the road, the longer hours in the office, all worthwhile... I learned so much during my year as a volunteer in Uraba, about Colombia, its people and myself. That’s why I’m going back for a second year."

Dan Slee

Colombia 2010-2013

Colombia 2010-2013

"This, and other experiences with PBI, showed me some incredible things. By building solidarity with the peace community, with PBI and our international support network, two rural families of limited means had managed to walk, completely unarmed into paramilitary-controlled territory and reclaim their belongings from a squadron of heavily armed soldiers. I returned home with lots to think about. If they can achieve this in a war zone, what can we achieve in our communities?"

Rob Hawke

Colombia 2008-2010

Colombia 2008-2010

"The CCALCP lawyers are legal advisors to the Bari, an indigenous population engaged in dialogue with the government over petitions to exploit oil and coal within its territory. It is fascinating to spend time getting to know the Bari and the unique way in which they are struggling to preserve and strengthen their culture."

Michael Tamblyn

Mexico 2008

Mexico 2008

"Achievements like the Radilla judgement and the release of Raul Hernandez help to remind me that, despite the obstacles, justice is a right that must never be relinquished. If there is one thing that PBI has taught me since I left the Pitjantjatjara Lands in the Australian desert it is that while the struggle for justice is the responsibility of each and every one of us, it is most effective when shared by many. "

Volunteer in the UK

PBI depends almost entirely on the commitment and good will of its growing team of volunteers. If you have some time to spare and skills to share, there are several opportunities for you to volunteer with PBI-UK in London and around the country. If any of these possibilities interest you, please email admin@peacebrigades.org.uk

You may also be able to help the PBI team in London by helping us with:

  • delivering our fundraising strategy

  • developing new publicity materials such as leaflets, information packs or the website

  • advocacy work, helping us to build our support network

  • outreach and spreading the word about the work of our projects

  • administration, helping the office to run smoothly and efficiently

PBI UK volunteers say:

“It has been a pleasure working with you all, and I have learnt a great deal about human rights! I can’t wait to apply for a field project in the future!”

- Adam Mahmoud (2017-18)

“I first heard about the possibilities of working with PBI through my university careers service. After researching the organisation I was automatically drawn to the nature of its work and principles... I've gained a great insight into PBI's valuable work throughout the world at the same time and enjoyed working on an array of fascinating tasks. I've been given important responsibilities and at the same time as helping the PBI UK team... PBI is a fascinating organisation that is doing great work both within the UK and in its partner countries throughout the world. I have been privileged to be a part of this wonderful team.”

- Tom Short (2015-16)