Four Big Wins for Human Rights Defenders in 2025

Globally, human rights defenders are winning their struggles for justice and rights - for them, their communities and our planet. We take a quick look at four examples from the year so far.

Human rights defenders play a vital role in exposing and opposing regression, fighting for justice, and initiating positive political and social change. As an organisation, we understand the power of storytelling and the importance of highlighting the remarkable achievements of the movements, defenders and communities we support. One of the core principles of PBI's approach is to amplify the voices of those on the front lines of social change. This article showcases some of the recent achievements of the human rights defenders we work with: their stories of victories, progress and hope. The protective accompaniment and multi-level advocacy of PBI can help provide the security these defenders need to do their work, to catalyse meaningful progress, and to contribute to a more just world.

1. Kenya – Nuclear power plant on community land halted after campaign by CJGEA

In 2024 in Uyombo, a coastal village in Kilifi County, police fired 137 live rounds and 70 tear gas canisters at community members peacefully protesting plans for a nuclear power plant which was proceeding without community consent, despite the risks it posed to their livelihoods and the area’s fragile coral reefs, mangroves and endangered species. Two environmental defenders were arrested. The community refused to back down and requested international support.

PBI’s Kenya Team responded by standing in solidarity with the Center for Justice Governance and Environmental Action (CJGEA) and Uyombo residents who have campaigned against the plant, providing protective accompaniment to reduce risks and improve their safety while advocating for their rights. PBI provided a protective presence at key moments to deter violence, while engaging with authorities to echo calls for transparency. In partnership with the Center for Justice, Governance & Environmental Action, we amplified calls for accountability, garnering international attention.

In January, the CJGEA’s efforts and community activism led to a landmark victory, as the Kenyan government announced the halting of the project.

2. Mexico - Court decision in favor of the El Bajío Ejido brings community closer to justice for illegal mining on their land

Also in January, a Mexican Court  confirmed UK-registered company Fresnillo’s multimillion-dollar debt to the El Bajío community whose land was destroyed and where environmental defenders were murdered.

The 28th Agrarian Unitary Court confirmed that Fresnillo PLC owes farmers in El Bajío £526,614,365 in compensation for the gold illegally extracted from communally owned land without appropriate consent. Environmental defenders have faced threats, criminalisation and killings after standing up for rights. PBI has supported the community and the case featured in our 2024 report 'The Case for Change'. A long legal battle is likely to continue with appeals by company, but hope is in sight.

The case is emblematic of why we must protect, support and empower front line land, environmental and Indigenous defenders on the front line of the battle for our planet and corporate accountability. It also shows the need for a UK law on mandatory due diligence, obliging businesses to prevent abuses in the first place.

3. Colombia – CREDHOS founding member David Rabelo Crespo acquitted after 15 years of criminalisation

In a historic ruling, Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace acquitted the Human Rights Defender David Rabelo Crespo, who had been unjustly convicted in 2010 for the murder of engineer David Núñez Cala, a crime for which paramilitaries have acknowledged their responsibility. PBI has accompanied David and his lawyers throughout this campaign for justice.

After exhausting all legal avenues in Colombia, in 2015 David’s lawyer Reinaldo Villalba took the case to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. One year later, he presented the case before the Special Peace Jurisdiction. David was released on parole in 2017 while awaiting the definitive decision of the Tribunal. Read more here.

4. Honduras - Hydro business manager sentenced for organising the murder of Berta Cáceres

Nine years ago, the world lost Berta Cáceres - a Honduran environmental and Indigenous activist killed in her home in La Esperanza, just two days before her 45th birthday. Berta had been involved in numerous land and environmental rights struggles alongside Indigenous Lenca communities, including the campaign to stop construction of an illegal hydroelectric dam on the Gualcarque river.

Her family and Honduran human rights organisations supported by PBI always insisted that the company was behind the murder. International development banks had backed the project despite threats against community opponents, but eventually pulled out after Berta was killed. Thanks to family and community campaigning, the case against the accused finally went ahead. Shocking evidence of collusion between corporate and military stakeholders was revealed in court, demonstrating how the murder was orchestrated to silence Berta’s activism.

In February, the Honduran Supreme Court judges confirmed the conviction of Sergio Rodriguez - manager of the hydropower company DESA - as the ‘instigator’ of the murder of Berta Caceres. He received a sentence of 30 years in prison. The campaign continues to ensure that all intellectual authors of the crime are punished.

These victories are not PBI’s; they belong to the struggles of the courageous defenders and communities who tirelessly strive for justice, peace and human rights in the face of ever-increasing attacks and threats.

Change is a gradual process, often marked by challenges and setbacks. However, these cases underscore the vital significance of PBI's long-term, local and holistic protective accompaniment in catalysing victories for human rights and justice globally. PBI stands in solidarity the communities and human rights defenders we support in their darkest moments, and we stand by their side in their victories, celebrating together the power of international solidarity. 

We can really only do this with your support. Together, we are so much stronger.

With thanks to PBI’s Canada Office for the additional reporting and case compilation.


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